I cuddle up with books whenever possible. When I read, I am fascinated, expanded, energised, and clear. Yet, a week […]
Think of a scent that you love. Can you imagine how you would feel when you smell it? In The […]
Charlie paints many beautiful scenes in this book; sadly, they are not easily captured by a sentence, or even a […]
Even in our darkest moments or about our most shameful things, we come ourselves against others. Our failures are not […]
You don’t understand, Harry; nobody could understand unless they have lived with goblins. To a goblin, the rightful and true master […]
What does being wrong feel like? It feels like being right. Until the moment where we know that we’re wrong, […]
He was nothing like any human teacher Harry had ever had. His priority did not seem to be to teach […]
When I want fiction, I gravitate the Harry Potter series, not only because it brings about a sweet sense of […]
I would like all of you to take a moment now to think of the thing that scares you most, […]
Harry often struggles with his dark side. More curiously, there are moments where he is afraid that he could be […]
So many of J.K Rowling characters show us how to be brave and, if I may be cliche, how to […]