
If given 20 minutes, use 10.

“It is the insecure who feel they must spend every bit of time allotted to them to embellish their record; […]

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The Seven Sins that make us verbose

“Why BRIEF? In our attention-deficit economy, being brief is what’s desperately needed and rarely delivered. When we fail to be […]


Why are most meetings boring? No conflict.

Meetings are a lot like movies, Patrick shows: they run about the same amount of time and involve sitting down. […]

Pause and see what you’re curious about. Take away a quote or a recommendation!

I cuddle up with books whenever possible. When I read, I am fascinated, expanded, energised, and clear. Yet, a week […]


The big bang theory of sex and spontaneity

I can’t help noticing the discrepancy between the attention they devote to these chores and the lack of attention they […]


Continue to try in the face of failure

Whatever label it goes by, [design thinking] is an approach to problem solving that is distinguished by a few key […]


The downside of freedom is choices

Do you want more choices? Most of us would say yes. Whether its for pricing plans, website design, menu items, […]


Deliver happiness to everyone, including ourselves

I thought about how easily we are all brainwash by our society and culture to stop thinking and just assume […]


We are information insecure

Like American tourists in Europe racing from site to site with barely a moment to take a picture or talk […]


Three breeds of feedback

The very first task in assessing feedback is figuring out what kind of feedback we are dealing with. Bradly, feedback […]

Do you want to start writing a book, or actually write one?

The first thing that you’ll what to do is ask yourself “is your priority for you to enjoy yourself or […]